in the first 5 minutes, the dog ran away

and on top of that, sweet G was not a huge fan of the cold (understandably so, it was a crisp 40 something degrees out) but looking at these photos, you'd never know anything less than perfect happened here.

One thing I sometimes forget to mention when I prep a family for a session is the number one rule, which is: there are no rules! If we need to chase a dog, stop for a snack, have a quick nap (lol) we do! I know how hard it can to relax when the kiddos are uncomfortable (trust me, as a mom myself, I get it) so my goal with every session is not to get smiles, but rather, to create an environment so comfortable you and your family can actually enjoy yourselves.

Needless to say, by the end of this session, everyone was all smiles (a bit frozen, but still smiles)